I hate clocks
I just hate all clockstuff, since i started to learn the clockmovies, I never have a watch on my arm. But... I just like your story, It is very very very good! Like it Wooowie woow keep on, but without clocks... please?
I hate clocks
I just hate all clockstuff, since i started to learn the clockmovies, I never have a watch on my arm. But... I just like your story, It is very very very good! Like it Wooowie woow keep on, but without clocks... please?
not bad... but worse
just ad some graphics, you can make scenes, and you can make an own story, but those are the only good points I can think of right now... just use collour and not only a black fat brush to do al the things. Oh ad a 'stopallsounds' script because when you replay the movie, you hear two songs and that is kind of anoying (yes I know, nobody wants to replay this movie, but in case you want to make others, you know)
strange cool and smooth
This is a very strange animations, but I like strange animations, so I think it is cool. And it is very smooth too! Nice 3d effects. The use of collour is also very good!
Animation: 9
Story: 7
Music: 8
Humor: 8
very very very good
Just amazing, I like the way you switch camaraviews and how the camara moves, Wooow I like the music and the way the music and animation fit very good. I like it!!! I only think the begin is a bit less quality than the end! But you have very good talents at drawing and stuff (yes I don't speak English very well) Go on and make more stuff!
I like it
I don't like most of the clock-movies, but I like this one! Nice and smooth animation, and I like the way your animation follows the music. What music did you use?
"Battle at Witch Creek" A beautiful piece that came to popular attention when it was featured in the classic PC game "Rise of Nations".
Animation could have been better, Music was great
nice thing for one day. I just love the music! The story is very sad, but I'm not going to say: "oooooh you have a super-sad story! I give you 10/10!!!" The movie was very short and I don't think the graphics are very spectacular. I saw syndacite1 and I know your graphics could have been much better. I dont think the animation has much to do with the story you want tell. Maybe if you put more effort in it then just one day, it would have been a great movie. But as I said the music was great! I love the music of amélie in your menu, but it's not very difficult to just add it in the menu. The main reason i give you a 7 and not a 3 or 4 is that I love the music you composed. What program did you used to make it?
lolz. thanks for the review. and also glad you enjoyed my song. now...the graphics. I would spend about 10 or less minutes working on each drawing (2 minutes on frame by frame). I really rushed it cuz i really want syndacite 2 to come out FAST. the menu didn't take me a hole day. really only took me 10-20 minutes to make. as for your last question I used FL Studios and live recording on the flute. thanks for the review
although I don't get the point... I think it is a genius movie, I like movies without a point... The animation is also very good
I think you've seen to much of David Firth
How did you know! Have you been perving on me?!
your best movie
I've seen more of your movies, but this one must be the best one